Thursday, May 15, 2008

Networking Marketing: Fast And Easy Ways To Make Money

Copyright © Michael Laleye

Because distributors hope to make a significant portion of their income by bringing in other distributors, you may not have to look for a network marketing company. One may be looking for you. A relative, friend or even a stranger may approach you and ask you to become a distributor.

If the idea of becoming a distributor appeals to you and you haven’t been recruited, there are lots of ways to find the right match for you. Look in your local phone book for distributors in your area. You’ll find companies selling things like vitamins, beauty supplies, artwork, toys, cleaning products and even financial services.

Also check out opportunities through the Internet. Unlike franchises and business opportunities, network marketing isn’t given protections. For example, there’s no Uniform Franchise Offering circular requirement for network marketing companies for fast and easy ways to make money. So it’s up to you to do your own investigating. If you look into a particular company’s claim and it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.

Watch out for claims like that the company promises you the financial moon or guaranteed profits. Watch out when the company requires you to pay an up-front fee that greatly exceeds the value of the profits, kits, and any training given in return. Watch out when the company makes claims that high income is easy to achieve and that there are fast and easy ways to make money. And watch out when you’re pressured into signing up as a distributor.

Understand what you’re agreeing to if you sign on as a distributor. Know that no member company of the association shall engage in any deceptive, unlawful or unethical consumer or recruiting practice. Know that pyramid or endless chain schemes shall constitute a violation of the code. Know that the company will repurchase on reasonable commercial terms currently marketable inventory in the possession of that salesperson. And understand that no member company shall misrepresent the actual or potential sales or earnings of its independent salespeople. Any earnings or sales representations shall be based on documented facts not fast and easy ways to make money.

You can use the internet as much or as little as you need for your business. You may use it exclusively as the core of your business or you may use it only as a way to advertise a non-web-based business.

While home-based businesses have been around for as long as there have been homes, it’s only in the last few years that there’s an avenue to make such businesses really take off through the internet.

But just because it’s out there doesn’t mean you must become another online business owner. Maybe you’d be better able or happier to run a traditional business, using the Internet as an aid to that business. To a certain extent, e-commerce requires you to become a computer nerd. You have to understand the terminology and operate the equipment. Even more important, you have to enjoy the solitary aspects of an online business, since you’ll be spending a lot of time at it.

Visit the Super Affiliate Handbook Review and learn more about how to start making money from Internet Business Ideas.

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Home Based Affiliate Business